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23 August 2008

Kyoko Hashimoto - Seducing the Bowerbird

When describing inspiration for her newest collection, Kyoko Hashimoto directs our attention to an Australian native: the bowerbird. Bowerbirds show us that the metrosexual is not just a human invention. The male birds spend hours designing their nests with unique collections that are made up of everything from traditional twigs and leaves to man-made bits of fluff and any 'bling' that has been left carelessly lying around, all in an attempt to create the perfect seductive mood.

It's this synergistic blending of materials that is so evident in Kyoko's jewelry - hand cut resin is paired with wood, brass and silver to create pieces that are reminiscent of both Victorian lace patterns and vintage Art Deco jewelry. A beautiful example of this is our favorite piece; the reversible Dinner Party Necklace. Inspired by a toy car model kit and components, Kyoko's translation is playful without being childish, elegant without being fussy, and foxy without being floozy.

We first spotted Kyoko's work on Sia's blog and immediately knew that we would try to get more information. Now that Kyoko's work is in the shop we are so glad we did. Check out our assortment in the webshop.

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